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My perfect place.

There is a place that I like to go. It is not a real place, more it resides in the landscape of my mind, where it changes and morphs, occurring to the current, external need. I would describe the place as a small cove, with a Joycean bend of bay and swerve of shore that encapsulates the golden sands in the gentle crescent of the ragged cliff, itself atopped with green and sprouting face bursts verdancy, in which live tiny birds of dazzling hues. Every morning, the perfect sun rises from the bronze sea, which continues to roll upon the shore with a gentle consistency. The sun climbs and I feel it illuminate and warm my smooth skin, for here, I am physically perfect. I am lean, fit and muscular and if I wish to run and somersault along the beach, then I can and I do! As I face the sea, to my left, hewn from marble ten feet high, is the word ‘Love,’ a permanent reminder of the greatest force in the Universe. If, back in the other world, I am feeling fearful, then with a stick, or a toe, I might write the word ‘fear’ in the sands, then watch, as the waves roll in and slowly erase it, so that it never was, and the granules fall back into a perfect sheen. Love is permanent. Fear is temporary. Guides can appear on the beach, and we will sit in the angle of the marble ‘L’, looking across the bay and converse in soft tones against the symphony of the sea. I hear the soft tones, the gentle waves and the multi-warmth of the love and the sun. I taste the airborne spray and feel the sand slip between my fingers. It is a multi-sensory singularity. A place where I can escape, seek an audience with my higher self and depart back into day, with perhaps clarity, or soothing. We all have a place that we like to go, when we disappear behind our eyes. This is mine.