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Some thoughts on Personal Transformation

I am currently writing a book called ‘Kaizen Your Life.’ Over the past couple of evenings, I have been spending time re-reading the text that I currently have, mainly with a mind to assessing how the information flows and to ascertain which topics are either missing or need further explanation.
As I have been going through I have, naturally, been correcting spelling errors, mistakes and clunky pieces of prose. True, the word processer helps here, by drawing my eye to the squiggly red underlinings that litter the pages like autumnal leaves. But there is a second category of errors, one which the computer is powerless to detect, namely where those mispelt words are spelling other valid words. It needs to context of human experience and knowledge to spot these. It got me thinking about the work that I have been doing to transition into someone more deliberate. It is the stuff that cannot be seen, that we have to be brave enough to hunt down, that is key. The red underlinings that the world sees in us are unimportant. It is when we are happy with the way our own story reads that we can deliberately define and choose where it goes. Best wishes.