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Book Review – “Fearproof Your Life – How to Thrive in a World Addicted to Fear.” – by Joseph Bailey.

“Fearproof Your Life” by Joseph Bailey is a book that I highly recommend that you read.

For an author that has spent his professional life as a psychotherapist, this book represents the leading edge of human psychology.

The book draws on three simple principles, thought, mind and consciousness. As the monk Dandapani reminds us; we are consciousness flowing through mind. When we accept this principle and halt our consciousness on our true selves, this book can serve as both a map and an anchor.

“Fearproof Your Life” is exceptionally well written and flows with the ease that this book can unlock for all of us. It is incredibly accessible, as the reader realises that concepts revealed have been hiding in plain sight.

So, what can we expect if we are able to silence the fear with which our ego seeks to protect itself? Bailey explain, in his engaging way, that the gift is connection. It is both a connection to our higher, universal selves and, by extension and compassion, a deep connection with one another. Bailey uses the compelling metaphor: if fear is the ocean in an archipelago of our own islands, then, when it is drained – the illusion of the individual and the ego is shown to be false. It is for this reason that any hatred for others, for whatever reason, is a reflected hatred of ourselves.

Bailey goes on to reveal that the language of our connection with our True Self is intuition – a voice that many of us have long forgotten.

This revelation got me thinking about the nature of business, and how we are becoming increasingly reliant upon reams of data to help in our decision making. Surely there must still be room for intuition and hunches in our working world?

We tend to reserve this sort of thinking to the world of our creatives, but Bailey would argue that none of us are any more creative than another. Those that drive progress through inspiration are just perhaps more adept at listening to and trusting that inner voice. Bailey shows that this quality is within reach of us all.

The Three Principles still remains one of the worst hidden secrets in human development, and “Fearproof Your Life” may well become one of the core texts that finally brings this most empowering of topics to a broader audience.

For this reason it is very easy to recommend this work, and I can definitely say that Joseph Bailey will be an author whose work I will be exploring further.