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The Illusion of Certainty.

I want to start this post by thanking the author and coach, Jamie Smart, both for the work he does and for permitting me to share the following video here.

For those that are not familiar with the work of Jamie Smart, he is an internationally renowned coach and writer, whose work is at the cutting edge of psychology. You may be familiar with two of his bestselling books, “Clarity” and “Results,” and Amazon links to buy both are available in the shop.

I wish to share a session that Jamie did a week or two ago, entitled “Finding your bearings in turbulent times.”

I will not say much about it. I’ll let you find the value for yourselves. But promise me one thing; that when you’ve finished watching, give yourself five to ten minutes, just to sit and reflect. You will be glad you did.

I will be reflecting, at length, in my upcoming book, which should hopefully be with us by the end of summer. There I will be considering how the thinking shared in the video can take lean methodology to the next level.

In the meantime, make yourself a cup of tea, sit back, and tune in. The next hour is a time to invest in yourself.

If you want to check out more of Jamie’s work, including chances to learn with him, head to

Jamie Smart’s wonderful session, “Finding your bearings in turbulent times.” Enjoy.